Book translation: Freelancer or agency?

When you face the decision between hiring a freelancer or a translation agency, there are some factors to consider. Both options have their merits, but there are several compelling reasons why a freelancer may be the better choice for book translation projects:

Specialized Expertise

By hiring a freelancer with expertise in writing & publishing, you can ensure that the translator hits the right “tone” of your story, takes the author’s voice into consideration, knows what is culturally relevant, and can tailor the end product to your target audience.

Personalized Attention

Freelancers usually work independently, so they can offer more personalized attention to your project. You often work directly with the translator, who will handle your project from start to finish. This direct line of communication allows for clearer instructions and better collaboration throughout the translation process.

Lower prices

Freelancers typically have lower overhead costs compared to translation agencies. Also, freelancers are more flexible with pricing and are willing to negotiate rates based on the scope and complexity of your project.

Faster Turnaround Times

Translation agencies often have multiple projects running simultaneously, which can lead to longer turnaround times. Freelancers, on the other hand, can often dedicate more time and attention to your project. However, with translating books, you shouldn’t rush the process. Don’t forget that translation costs money. Especially when handing over an entire book series for translation, you want to make sure that you have the budget that’s needed.

Direct Communication

One of the most valid points, IMO! Depending on the project, you may want to hire the same translator more than once – for multiple books in a series, new books, marketing content, publishing questions, etc. You want your translator to be your friend, buddy, and co-author 🙂




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Get in touch

If you want to discuss a translation project, please send me the following information in your email:

  • Source & target language
  • Project specification / book genre
  • Word count
  • Preferred deadline
  • For Literary Translation only: Attach a sample (Microsoft Word document, up to 500 words) if you want one translated from me