
A collection of my book translation and written works.

Books translated by Elodie Colt

A collection of the books I’ve translated so far.

elodie colt translation literary translation stephanie hudson afterlife saga gothic romance paranormal romance


Stephanie Hudson

elodie colt translation literary translation stephanie hudson afterlife saga gothic romance paranormal romance

Die Zwei Könige

Stephanie Hudson

elodie colt translation literary translation stephanie hudson afterlife saga gothic romance paranormal romance

Die Dreifaltige Göttin

Stephanie Hudson

elodie colt translation literary translation stephanie hudson afterlife saga gothic romance paranormal romance

Der Viertelmond

Stephanie Hudson

elodie colt translation literary translation stephanie hudson afterlife saga gothic romance paranormal romance

Das Opfer des Septimus, Teil 2

Stephanie Hudson

Get in touch

If you want to discuss a translation project, please send me the following information in your email:

  • Source & target language
  • Project specification / book genre
  • Word count
  • Preferred deadline
  • For Literary Translation only: Attach a sample (Microsoft Word document, up to 500 words) if you want one translated from me