Book Translation

Translation of books, novels, and novellas.

Already finished your book, got it edited, and polished to perfection?
Then you’re ready to take the next step and get it translated!
Here you can find all my services to make your translated book ready for publication.


Get everything translated you need to publish your new book and increase your sales.

* All prices in EUR (Euro), PayPal fees included
* All prices excl. 20% statutory Austrian VAT: Not due if your invoicing address is a) outside the EU or b) within the EU if you can provide a VAT number.


The translation part is done. Now, let’s make sure your book is as polished as it can be.

* All prices in EUR (Euro), PayPal fees included
* All prices excl. 20% statutory Austrian VAT: Not due if your invoicing address is a) outside the EU or b) within the EU if you can provide a VAT number.


Because design matters: Let me make your book pretty for eBook and paperback readers.

* All prices in EUR (Euro), PayPal fees included
* All prices excl. 20% statutory Austrian VAT: Not due if your invoicing address is a) outside the EU or b) within the EU if you can provide a VAT number.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any questions? Have a look at my answers below.

What is Literary Translation?

A literary translator specializes in translating literary works – books, novels, novellas, etc. Literary translation is not just a skill but an art. It’s about making sure that the emotions your book evokes flow seamlessly into the new language. As a self-published author, I know how important it is to stay true to the author’s voice while still being able to express my own creativity.

What languages do you translate?

English to German / German to English. No matter if English is the source or target language, let me know in advance if it’s UK or US English.

What genres do you accept?

Anything, really. As a Paranormal/Contemporary Romance author, I have a passion and specific knowledge in these areas, but as an avid reader of all kinds of genres, I’m happy to translate whatever you want me to – Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy, Thriller, or your autobiography. Just send me a message and let’s chat!

How does payment work?

I accept payment via PayPal. All prices in € (EUR), PayPal fees included. Excl. 20% statutory Austrian VAT (VAT only due if your invoicing address is within the EU and you can’t provide a VAT number).

For Literary Translation:

I’ll send you an invoice for a 50% advance before the agreed starting date. Once the payment has been made, I’ll start the translation on the agreed date (and book an editing slot if you chose this service). I’ll send you an invoice for the other 50% when the translation is done (before editing, if you chose this service). Once the payment has been made in full, I’ll send you the translated documents (if you chose editing services too, I’ll send you the documents after editing).

For Editing & Proofing:
For translation service clients: No advance needed. I’ll send you an invoice of the full price before delivering the project.

However, if I find that any previous invoices weren’t paid in time, I will require the full sum for editing services to be paid in advance. The reason is, I have to pay the editor out of my own pocket, some in advance too, so if I can’t trust the client to meet an invoice in time, I have to take appropriate precautions. Thanks for your understanding.

For all other services:
(Proofing only, Promo Material Translation, Formatting)
No advance needed. I’ll send you an invoice of the full price.

Do you also offer "rush translations"?

If my schedule allows it, I can squeeze you in. This service attracts a surcharge. Please contact me for a quote.

What if I change my mind? Will I get a refund of the advance I already paid?

The advance will be due 7 days before the agreed starting date to reserve your spot. That means, if you decide 8 days prior to the starting date that you want to cancel for whatever reasons, just let me know, and I will cancel the invoice. However, any payments already made to me won’t be redeemed. For works already in the making (e.g. Editing, Proofing, etc.), all fees must be paid.

What do you need from me?

Everything you want me to translate as Microsoft Word documents, your book cover, and the link to your published book. Literary translations usually include the manuscript, blurb, cover contents, and everything included in the front & back matter. For Marketing Material Translation, send me everything you need translated as Microsoft Word document too. For Proofing only, send me the Microsoft Word document your editor provided. For Formatting, send me everything you want me to include (e.g. images, links, etc.).

Why should I hire a freelance translator and not a translation agency?

The one good thing about translation agencies is that they are fast. Everything will be thrown into a Neuronal Machine Translation software before a human being will do a final check – hopefully. The translators are not specialized in literary translation, which is an important skill set if you want the finished product to sell. I’ve had many authors asking me for help because their agency provided poor quality, which they are blissfully oblivious to until the first 1-star review trickles in.

If you team up with a specialized literary translator, you’ll benefit from their insight, training, knowledge of the genres, and familiarity with the book industry. Also, you can develop long-term partnerships with your translator, which can be incredibly fruitful for your future projects.

Can't I just translate my book with a Neuronal Machine Translation software?

Please don’t. While NMT’s provide high quality nowadays, they don’t have a human brain. There are many reasons why you should never rely solely on software, but let me name a few:


  1. Subject: Where the English ‘you’ can refer to one person or multiple people, this is not the case with other languages. A software can’t spot this. The algorithm will learn with time, yes, but it will never reach a 100% accuracy.
  2. Gender: English doesn’t differentiate between a (fe)male “friend”, “lover”, “client”, but most languages do – again something a software can’t spot.
  3. Context: I can give you five different translations for the phrase ‘What’s on your mind?’, depending on the context. The software will always go with the most common translation according to its algorithm.
  4. Style: No software will point out close repetitions, therefore can’t remove them or replace them with synonyms.
  5. Jokes: Not every joke makes sense in every language. It’s not uncommon I have to come up with something new because an English joke can’t be translated into a German joke.
I'm afraid my story will get "lost in translation." Can you keep my author's voice?

I can as long as it follows the style guide of the target language. The style guides are the Chicago Manual of Style (US), the University of Oxford Style Guide (UK), and the Duden (DE). They include guidelines on how to use the written word in the according language. Now, as an author myself, I know that it’s important to stay pragmatic here. For example, most style guides don’t allow brackets in novel writing and tell you to replace them with ellipses or em-dashes. However, it’s more and more common for modern novelists to include them as a fun way to express a character’s afterthoughts. You will find editors who accept this, others won’t. So, there is a fine line between following the rules and breaking them.

My point is, I’ve had authors before who had no clue about those style guides and literally broke every single rule, like wrong dialogue tags, fragment sentences without verbs, writing ten “I”-sentences in a row, etc. Basically, they do everything that is frowned upon in the novel writing world with the excuse, “That’s my writing style.” If that’s the case, these things will definitely get lost in translation. Breaking the rules should be an exception, so do this carefully and with purpose. If an author wants to work with me but ignores this, I reserve the right to refuse the project. It’s my job and duty to follow the guidelines, and I can’t do that if the author doesn’t follow theirs.

Of course, no one “reads” those style guides, so don’t be afraid if you have no idea what I’m talking about. Two ways to help you here are writing courses and – way more important – READING. Read as many books in your genre as you can. You should always read more than you write. When you read a lot and get a feel for the voices of different authors, you will iternalize the style guides subconsciously.

Do you only offer Book Translation?

No. As an author, my expertise lies in books, high-quality stories, and what it takes to publish and market them, but I also provide all kinds of translation services your project requires. For more information, please check out my General Translation services.

Do you also translate non-fiction books?

Yes! Just send me a link to your currently published book, so I can have a look at it and see if we’re a good fit.

What if I want to "switch" translators within a book series?

If you already hired a translator to work on your series and want to “switch” to me, I ask you to either provide the termbase your previous translator used (a dictionary your translator created specifically for your series to assure consistency of certain words/phrases/names) or hand over the already translated books for me to do a read-through. For the latter, I will require a small fee, depending on the length and the number of books. Please contact me for a quote.

How long does it take you to translate?

For Literary Translation:

It depends on the word count, genre, and quality. For a 100K novel, I usually need about 6-8 weeks. If I come across anything that’s not clear to me during the translation process, I’ll get back to you with my questions. Just make sure the manuscript is properly edited. The more “polished” it is, the faster I can translate.

For Editing & Proofing:

This depends on the editor I choose for you and their available slots. Some editors will finish a 100K novel in 2 weeks, some will need 2 months. After their work is finished, it will take me about 2 weeks to go over their changes and do a final proofread.

How does your translation process work?

First, send me an email with your query. Feel free to attach a sample you want me to translate (up to 500 words). If you want to work with me, I’ll send you 2 documents to sign: a form that specifies our project and a Terms Of Service Agreement. Once I have all the files I need (Microsoft Word documents) and the advance went through, I will start the translation on the agreed date. I usually tackle the cover contents and blurb first, which I’ll send you early on, so you have everything you need for setting up preorders and start promotion.

I have to update my original manuscript. Will you also update the translated manuscript?

Absolutely. Just contact me and let me know what needs to be changed. If it’s just a couple of words/sentences or small updates in the front/back matter, this service is included at no cost for you. For changing entire paragraphs/chapters, please contact me for a quote.

Do I have to share my royalties with you?

No! As soon as the translated book is in your hands, all decisions regarding publication, marketing, and distribution are yours. You pay for my services in full and keep 100% of the royalties you make when selling your work.

Who has the copyright of the translated work?

As the translator is the creator of the translated work, they are also the copyright owner. This only means that after finalization of the translation, no changes can be made without the translator’s approval. Also, the translator needs to be properly accredited in the the Copyright section of the book (which I usually include myself during translation) and get linked as a translator once you upload the book on your platforms. Everything else – publication, distribution, marketing, pricing, etc. – lies in the author’s hands!

Why is Editing not done by you?

I’m working with professional editors for the “Editing” part. As an author myself, I think it’s crucial that someone else, other than the “writer”, takes over the editing task, no matter if the work is written in your native language or not. I know from experience how much a “third eye” can catch. If you book this service, I will handle the entire project, including all communication with the editor, so you’ll receive a ready-to-publish manuscript.

If you’d rather work with an editor of your choice, totally fine! I will send you the translated manuscript. After the editor is done with their work, you can get back to me for proofing to make sure all T’s are crossed and your book is ready to hit the shelves.

Do you offer sample translations?

Yes. Just send me a sample (up to 500 words, Microsoft Word document), and I’m happy to translate it for you, so you get a “feel” for my work and style. “But I won’t be able to tell if it’s good quality because I don’t understand the language,” you might say, which is a very good point! In that case, however, I fear your only option is to contact another native and ask for a review.

Get in touch

If you want to discuss a translation project, please send me the following information in your email:

  • Source & target language
  • Project specification / book genre
  • Word count
  • Preferred deadline
  • For Literary Translation only: Attach a sample (Microsoft Word document, up to 500 words) if you want one translated from me