General Translation

Translation of texts, audio, and video.

Need a professional German/English translator for your project?
I’ve got you covered.


Get everything translated you need for your project.

* All prices in EUR (Euro), PayPal fees included
* All prices excl. 20% statutory Austrian VAT: Not due if your invoicing address is a) outside the EU or b) within the EU if you can provide a VAT number.


Can’t find what you’re looking for? Just contact me and let’s chat!

Website content

SEO & Keywords

Video games


Movie subtitles & SRT

Podcasts & seminars

Press releases

PowerPoint presentations


Restaurant menus


Social media posts & ads

Frequently Asked Questions

Any questions? Have a look at my answers below.

What languages do you translate?

English to German / German to English. No matter if English is the source or target language, let me know in advance if it’s UK or US English.

How does payment work?

I accept payment via PayPal. All prices in € (EUR), PayPal fees included. Excl. 20% statutory Austrian VAT (VAT only due if your invoicing address is within the EU and you can’t provide a VAT number).

Depending on the complexity and workload of the project, I might require an advance prior to starting the translation. Once the payment has been made in full, I’ll send you the translated documents.

Do you also offer "rush translations"?

If my schedule allows it, I can squeeze you in. This service attracts a surcharge. Please contact me for a quote.

What if I change my mind? Will I get a refund if I already paid an advance?

If an advance is required:
The advance will be due 7 days before the agreed starting date to reserve your spot. That means, if you decide 8 days prior to the starting date that you want to cancel for whatever reasons, just let me know, and I will cancel the invoice. 

If no advance is required:
If you decide 1 day prior to the starting date that you want to cancel for whatever reasons, just let me know, and I will cancel the project. However, any payments already made to me won’t be redeemed.

For works already in the making, all fees must be paid.

How long does it take you to translate?

A couple of days, up to 2 weeks, but this entirely depends on the complexity of the project, the word count, and the usage (e.g. “heavy translation” for publication content, “trans-creation” for marketing purposes, SRT converting for subtitles, etc.).

How does your translation process work?

First, send me an email with your query. If you want to work with me, I’ll send you 2 documents to sign: a form that specifies our project and a Terms Of Service Agreement. Once I have all the files I need (and the advance went through, if one is required), I will start the translation on the agreed date.

Do you offer sample translations?

Usually, this service is only reserved for literary translations, but if you have a big project that “warrants” a sample translation, I will be happy to provide one.

What do you need from me?

Everything you want me to translate, preferrably as Microsoft Office documents, e.g. Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. For subtitle translation, I can also work with SRT files. No matter the file format, I need some sort of text file. If you can’t provide one, I can work with this too, however, this will come at an additional cost.

Can't I just translate everything with a Neuronal Machine Translation software?

Please don’t. While NMT’s provide high quality nowadays, they don’t have a human brain. There are many reasons why you should never rely solely on software, but let me name a few:


  1. Subject: Where the English ‘you’ can refer to one person or multiple people, this is not the case with other languages. A software can’t spot this. The algorithm will learn with time, yes, but it will never reach a 100% accuracy.
  2. Gender: English doesn’t differentiate between a (fe)male “friend”, “lover”, “client”, but most languages do – again something a software can’t spot.
  3. Context: I can give you five different translations for the phrase ‘What’s on your mind?’, depending on the context. The software will always go with the most common translation according to its algorithm.
  4. Style: No software will point out close repetitions, therefore can’t remove them or replace them with synonyms.

Get in touch

If you want to discuss a translation project, please send me the following information in your email:

  • Source & target language
  • Project specification / book genre
  • Word count
  • Preferred deadline
  • For Literary Translation only: Attach a sample (Microsoft Word document, up to 500 words) if you want one translated from me