Why work with Elodie Colt Translation?

elodie colt translation literary translation book translation english german

Not sure which translator or translation agency you should hire for getting your book translated? If you choose to work with Elodie Colt Translation, you are in good hands!

Book translation by a German native

If you aim to get your book translated from English to German, you are in the right place with me. As a native German speaker living in Austria with a master’s degree in publication and communication sciences, I will ensure your story becomes a captivating page-turner in its new language.

With an in-depth understanding of the cultural nuances between Germany and Austria, as well as their distinct dialects and idioms, I can guarantee that every sentence will resonate perfectly with your target audience. Whether it’s maintaining the original tone, humor, or emotional depth, I have the skills and cultural insight to make your translation spot-on.

Book translation by a fiction author

Understanding the intricacies of both writing and translation is an important skill. Translators who are also authors are rare. If they are, they tend to focus on guides about the translation business. But if you’re looking to translate your fiction book – the one that took you months to write and polish, that demanded every ounce of your passion and effort – you want someone who “gets you”.

Your book is your baby, filled with your heart and soul. You deserve a translator who understands the emotional depth and artistic nuances of your story. I know what it takes for a sentence to have impact and what makes a story a page-turner. My goal is to ensure your translated work captures the same magic as the original.

Book translation by a USA Today bestselling author

As a USA Today bestselling author with multiple published novels, I have an in-depth understanding of the self-publishing industry. My experience spans working with editors, cover designers, personal assistants, and PR agencies. I know what it takes to develop a compelling story concept, bring your ideas to life on paper, and effectively market a book. I’m also well-versed in Facebook Ads, Amazon Ads, and paid promotions.

Why is this important? Because you don’t just want a translated book – you want a translated book that sells!

With my expertise, I can ensure that your book will be translated accurately and positioned for success in the market. From translation to publication, I can guide you through every step needed to publish your translated book effectively.

An additional editing round

When translating your book, I meticulously work on every word you’ve written. If I encounter any mistakes in the original manuscript, I highlight them and leave a note for you. This gives you the opportunity to make any necessary changes, providing you with an additional round of editing and proofreading at no extra cost!

However, please note that while I can identify and point out errors, I am not a professional editor and do not offer editing services. I firmly believe that editing should be handled by a second pair of eyes to ensure the highest quality.

By choosing my translation services, you not only get a linguistically accurate and culturally resonant translation but also an extra layer of quality control for your manuscript.

Transparent pricing & simplified costs

In Germany, translation costs are often calculated per norm page, typically corresponding to 1,500 characters without spaces (though this can vary to 1,600, 1,700, or 1,800 characters depending on the translator or agency). This method can be unnecessarily complicated for clients, who must first determine the number of characters in Microsoft Word and then divide by the specified number to calculate the final price.

I prefer the straightforward American approach and offer a simple price per word. Why make it complicated when you can keep it simple?

Choose ease and transparency with my translation services. Let’s make your project hassle-free from start to finish!




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Get in touch

If you want to discuss a translation project, please send me the following information in your email:

  • Source & target language
  • Project specification / book genre
  • Word count
  • Preferred deadline
  • For Literary Translation only: Attach a sample (Microsoft Word document, up to 500 words) if you want one translated from me